Me: Okay, after you rebuild the file, could you just email it to me?
Stupid: Uh, yeah... What's yer address?
Me: It's S as in
"Sam," L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com.
Stupid: P H O T O S L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com.
ME: No, it's just S L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com.
Stupid: Okay, yeah, P H O T O S L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com.
Me: (Gasping a bit) No... It's S L U G G O. S as in
"Sam," L U G G O.
Stupid: Yeah, right... (long pause) P H O T O S L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com.
Me: (Stammering in disbelief at this point) No, no, no... There's no P H O T O, just S L U G G O.
Stupid: Um... Okay, I got it... P H O T O S L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com.
(By now I was entertaining the idea of telling this ass clown to get bent... But, no.)
Me: No, sir, listen please... S L U G G O at * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dot com. No
"photo." Okay?
Stupid: (longer pause) Okay... P H O T O S L U G G O at ****** ******** dot com?
Yes, this telephone conversation really happened about ten minutes ago.